July 26, West Bank

July 26, West Bank

We have no water at Karama flat. With 5 guys living there & only a small container (I will send a pict) of water on the roof it goes pretty fast. Something simple as water can not be taken for granted. They may only get access to water once every 3,4,5 weeks no on knows & when it is turned on no one is told, its pretty unbelievable.

We’ve had no water for 2 days now, so a barricade has been set up on the main boulevard. The Israeli’s have scrambled the F-16’s & they are screaming over head it’s pretty crazy. The tough part is it seems as though the Israeli’s provoke & provoke the Palestinians. The Palestinians honestly want peace but say ‘how long do we do nothing while the world watches in silence’ I feel so terribly for them, they are damned if they do & damned if they don’t. If they strike back, first of all, the will get creamed by the powerful Israeli army & then the West will justify the disproportionate use of force saying that they are terrorists.

I just returned from the gym with Mahmoud & Mohammed, its so nice to get workouts in over here at such a nice facility everything else considered here.

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